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DiaLteG™ – How To Attract & Get The Perfect Woman For You

Do you know what the real definition is of a naturally attractive man?

You might think it's a guy who is born good-looking, after all, that definition does make complete logical sense.

It's okay to believe because it in a way, it's certainly true.

When a man comes into his own and has attractive physical qualities which can be seen, he's going to attract some women, right?

Plus, as many have noticed, some men just seem naturally gifted in their interactions with women, and regardless of their looks, just seem to attract lots of women easily

So it's all good.

However, when it comes to DiaLteG™ (pronounced dial-teg) and my not-so-naturally given talent to attract women, I'd like to make a very clear distinction between what is commonly referred to as being naturally attractive and what is means to BECOME a "naturally attractive man" with as equal or better choices in women...

From the now (immortal) words of my mentor & teacher of over a decade ago, David DeAngelo:


Here Is Your Easy Plan To Success...

To become a "natural attractive man" you will learn:

  • Easy skills and techniques to interact with women in a new way.
  • Sexual and non-sexual communication highlighting you as a real man women rarely every get to meet.
  • Positive lifestyle adjustments which are organic to you and help you meet more available single women of your choice.
  • Add and build on the attractive character traits you already have so you can leave long-lasting impressions.

Here's HOW you'll do it:

  • Develop a secure, confident, and masculine SELF image free from limited beliefs and negative mindsets.
  • Communicate that SELF modestly to everyone, including women, in a way which is beyond Alpha and shows your leadership skills in life.
  • Make your choices, take the risks, live your life proactively and productively... and...
  • Enjoy the REWARDS of an abundance and healthy mindset!

Natural also means one very important but somehow overlooked truth most seem to miss in our lives.

Scot McKay - another teacher of mine calls it SEXUAL POLARITY.

He describes 14 ways women will define your masculinity in such a way it brings out and ignites her femininity.

This intuitively predicts how and why people (men and women) "hook up" for a lifetime or less in a sexual way - relationship or not.

"...If you want to attract women, gentlemen, you've got to come off as masculine.

Interestingly enough, the more feminine a woman she is, the more she's going to respond powerfully to masculinity."

What is it that creates that sexual polarity?

  1. Compassion versus Destruction.
  2. Enabling Safety versus fomenting Peril.
  3. Calculated versus Combative.
  4. Leadership versus Indecision.
  5. Planning versus Disarray.
  6. Knowledge versus Ignorance.
  7. Influential versus Domineering.
  8. Ambition versus Indifference.
  9. Purpose versus Confusion.
  10. Victory versus Failure.
  11. Choosing versus Chasing.
  12. Strength versus Weakness.
  13. Character versus Inconsistency.
  14. The Big Four.

Excerpted From the BONUS audio Igniting Femininity: 14 Ways Women Define Masculinity - The Preview given exclusively to paid members of DiaLteG™.

Original bonus from The Man's Approach - Meeting Women Demystified - Meet & Attract Women Like A Boss With No Fear Of Rejection and No Fear Of Bothering Her!

The Man's Approach - Review Page is right here at DiaLteG™.

Simply put, with regards to natural attraction or being a naturally attractive man...

BE the best counterpart to her feminine side with your unique masculinity and bring it out of her as much as you'd like through how you communicate your masculine self.

Yes, it's the absolute truth and I, you, WE, as men NEED to find a way to embrace this belief and USE it to our advantage because without it, as you may already know, it can become quite difficult.


You're actually BORN, by design, to be the perfect man for HER.

The perfect woman for you becomes YOUR choice.

You CAN LEARN how to communicate more effectively sexually too.

You definitely CAN cultivate a manly edge to enhance yourself and still maintain strong morally sound character traits which are internal to you but felt externally by everyone, including women.

You CAN LEARN the techniques and necessary skills to put together a COMPLETE package of YOU which you will present to women, without having to become a sleazy prick, a lame ass pick up artist, or a complete asshole determined to treat women like shit...

Woman Red Dress DiaLteG Logo

Everything you find here at DiaLteG™, minus a few guest posts whose opinions or concepts may vary or differ from mine, are designed to get you there as quickly and as easily as possible...

A place where your masculinity and leadership skills NATURALLY attract women and more precisely, the PERFECT woman for you.

This can happen starting today, like right now!

Click Here, Meet A Woman Who Is Into The REAL You, & Start Attracting Her Naturally!

Welcome To DiaLteG™

Peter White DiaLteG TM

I'm Peter White - call me Pete. My methods are built on simplicity. No games.

A matter of fact style that quickly pushes aside all the junk to quickly get to the real issues you're having so they can be fixed.

Learning in this way will save you lots of time and give you an attractive positive edge that works!

Women will quickly notice how you're not just some typical male she can control because that's not what she wants anyways...

But that you're the one in million guy she's only dreamed of meeting one day.

I offer you the...

DiaLteG™ approach to finding, meeting, attracting, dating, and CHOOSING your ideal woman so you can finally be in charge of the direction you want to go in life.

To enjoy a real relationship with your ideal woman whom you would do anything for, who appreciates and loves you for YOU, and RESPECTS YOU too.

Not because you've mind-tricked her into it, but because she WANTS to with all her heart.

The woman you choose will gladly join on your life journey because to both of you, it will feel how it was all meant to be and NOTHING can get in the way.

This is about living your life the way you want to with purpose and fun.

This is about building a positive mindset which is attractive from the inside out.

This is a way of life and a life which is yours to OWN!

The woman you ultimately choose will gladly join you because it will feel perfect to her and how it was all...

Meant to be!

I've taken the journey myself.

You can read my stories here:

About Peter White

David DeAngelo – The Best Expert In Dating & Attracting Great Women

And the purely pathetic-ness of it in this category I'm quite proud to have put together for the world to read:

Nice Guy Stories – From Sad, Lonely, Pathetic to An Attractive Man

I'm ready to listen. I don't get offended easily. I'm eager to help so all you have to do is ask.

If you're cool about it, if you're real with me, if you're willing to try something different and better, a new mindset so-to-speak, we'll get along quite well.

Thanks for stopping by and giving me the opportunity to teach you a little something about women.

Your Friend,


DiaLteG™ is here to help you in ALL the areas you feel you're struggling with women.

The acronym for "DiaLteG" covers everything you'll ever need to finally solve your "woman" problems and the loneliness you might be experiencing right at this very moment:

  • Dating
  • Interactions
  • Attraction
  • Lifestyle
  • Techniques
  • Exercise
  • Girlfriend

Please feel free to browse all the free advice in the categories below and let me know what you think.

Man Woman Date Dating

Dating - Dating is about the fun process involved in connecting with a woman. It's about exploring your options, qualifying your next partner, enjoying casual sex, approaching & meeting women, creating amazing dates, and everything that leads up to more exciting dates which of course leads to natural attraction.

Click Here For All The Posts In Dating

Interact With Woman Smiling Happy Attract

Interactions - Communicating to women in a way which builds comfort, connection, and attraction. The interacting part is often where guys fail to trigger attraction because they don't have the right communication skills. From flirting, sexuality, touching, teasing, and the all important conversations - this is where you convey your natural self.

Click Here For All The Posts In Interactions

Attractive Woman Create Attraction

Attraction - An instinctual "emotional" trigger often misunderstood by men and women alike. A man who interacts with women in a certain way can stimulate her attraction and when done in context can be seen or felt to be a more naturally attractive man.

Attraction requires skills but it is not a skill itself. It's a feeling. It's an emotional response to an outside source.

Click Here For All The Posts In Attraction

Attractive Lifestyle and Fun

Lifestyle - How you live your life in any way you find rewarding up to and including your style, your social status, your travel plans, your goals, aspirations, dreams, passions and desires.

Whereas dating is meant to get to know another person, interacting is what happens on those dates and outside the normal dating routine, attraction is what happens or is triggered during any and all interactions you have with women - lifestyle is HOW you set up your life to live out a more naturally attractive existence.

Click Here For All The Posts In Lifestyle

Techniques Tips Tool Attract Woman

Techniques - The way in which you interact with women often requires skills or techniques which build the attraction. It's the way in which you carry out your task of creating attraction, building a connection, establishing a comfortable bond between you and anyone else which happens to include women.

Your techniques also cover how you build yourself into a more naturally attractive man.

Click Here For All The Posts In Techniques

Man Woman Attractive Exercise Good Health

Exercise - The word exercise normally doesn't need much of an explanation but here it goes: Being healthy, fit, in shape, able and capable of living your life aware and energized enough to enjoy life to the fullest of all your capabilities.

It relates to natural attraction in many ways:

Better sex.

Healthier living which inspires others.

Clearer thinking to accomplish goals and learn new things.

Exercise is not only for the body but for the mind too.

On the side being in shape can and does trigger a physical attraction which may not be necessary for everyone, certainly does not hurt or harm the process of triggering attraction.

Click Here For All The Posts In Exercise & Health

Girlfriend Boyfriend Couple Happy

Girlfriend- Most guys who start learning about attraction are not interested in get laid quick schemes, playing women, or becoming some a super star pick up artist.

This covers what lot of guys really want - a girlfriend that they are physically, mentally, and emotionally attracted to who also is attracted to them.

Getting a girlfriend covers all the steps needed, building a healthy relationship, the maintenance and upkeep of keeping it all forever growing and exciting too.

Click Here For All The Posts In Getting A Girlfriend

I believe YOU CAN LEARN how to attract women naturally and you don't have to play any mind games, follow some stupid rules or playbook, and you certainly don't ever have to become a jerk or abandon your "nice good guy" ways. l

All you have to do is to first be open to a new mindset which can open up the so-called secret world of women to you and that's starts today!

You don't need luck.

You don't have to be all that good-looking...


You need knowledge and you must learn how to put that information into practice starting IMMEDIATELY.

Do You Want To Meet & Attract An Amazing Woman Who Is Into You, For You?

Perfect Woman For You

Your perfect woman is waiting for you to become the man she'll LOVE forever!

I know you don't want to play stupid games, compete with her last ex-boyfriend, pretend you're somebody you're not, or get shot down/rudely rejected when you're only trying to talk to a woman you find attractive.

It's now time for something different and better to happen in your life and in your relationships with women!

Get EXCLUSIVE content from me you won't find anywhere else plus the many dating/attraction experts I've gathered for you adding up to well over 50 years of experience.

All dedicated to helping you achieve the success you deserve and get you the women you desire the most...

The PERFECT one for you.

Lessons include over 320,000 words of expert advice, 55 full pages, 13 chapters, and 15 bonuses - All Valued At Over $500!

Click Here To Get Started Right Now - Join DiaLteG™ - Your Perfect Woman Is Waiting For You!

Pay Buy Now DiaLteG TM Membership Button

"You've achieved a lot in your life, you work hard, you're successful at what you do, and you're proud of it too!

So why should attracting women be any different?"

Peter White | DiaLteG™

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26 comments… add one
  • Karl

    I treat women as people and have no problem talking to them. As such, I have many women friends. I also see other guys and know that I can’t compete with them where being sexually attractive to women is concerned. Whatever other guys have that makes them women want them sexually I don’t have, so there is zero point in approaching. My women friends tell me this is just my lack of confidence and that lots of women are interested in me – I just need to actually express my interest to women I like. I look around but honestly *never see any* evidence that any woman is interested in me – I am not even on the radar. I am not about to waste my time and energy putting myself out there when rejection or worse is guaranteed.

    • I hear you Karl but do you hear yourself?

      You have women friends that probably coddle you too much and don’t treat you like you’re a man.

      Not because you’re not one, but because you’re not taking and using to the fullest the ONE thing granted to you from birth.

      You’re looking for evidence of what? You’re looking to avoid risk because you’re afraid of getting hurt. You want a guarantee without showing or at least trying to develop some courage around women.

      Women don’t look or care to put guys “on their radar” – MEN put women on their radar.

      Screw the confidence – hell if you want to work on it, become a member, maybe buy the page on confidence I wrote… what ever.

      Of course you need to express some interest, people tend to like to be interesting to others in most social areas.

      When it comes to women – men take RISKS. Men don’t waste their time – they USE their time whether it results in failure or not.

      All this energy you’re putting in avoiding “living” to GET with women is far more harmful, destructive, emotionally addictive, and it will wear you out quicker than any form of rejection could ever to do you.

      Never forget that.

      All the best to you,

      • Karl

        Hi Pete – you say “you’re not taking and using to the fullest the ONE thing granted to you from birth”. I don’t understand what you mean? What am I not talking [about(?)] / not using? Could you explain what it is and how to use it, please?

        • Sure Karl, I can explain a little, but you must understand the full details are reserved, detailed, and are applied more specifically to the individual guy.

          Your Alpha manhood/masculinity is given to you. It’s already encoded in your DNA. Most men fight it because they believe being Alpha is a bad thing, but it’s not when used correctly and women love a guy who “does it right.”

          Three men are extremely good at describing Alpha in ways which explains it all as far as I’m concerned: Me (Peter White) , Carlos Xuma, and Scot McKay.

          On my main page I quote Scot because he calls it “sexual polarity” – which is great way to see how men develop into real Alpha man, but also how these things are given to you at birth, because you’re a man.

          “…If you want to attract women, gentlemen, you’ve got to come off as masculine.

          Interestingly enough, the more feminine a woman she is, the more she’s going to respond powerfully to masculinity.”

          What is it that creates that sexual polarity?

          1. Compassion versus destruction.
          2. Enabling safety versus fomenting peril.
          3. Calculated versus combative.
          4. Leadership versus indecision.
          5. Planning versus disarray.
          6. Knowledge versus ignorance.
          7. Influential versus domineering.
          8. Ambition versus indifference.
          9. Purpose versus confusion.
          10. Victory versus failure.
          11. Choosing versus chasing.
          12. Strength versus weakness.
          13. Character versus inconsistency.
          14. The BIG FOUR.

          Excerpted From BONUS audio Igniting Femininity: 14 Ways Women Define Masculinity exclusively for paid members of DiaLteG TM.

          (The quote above is part of the Man’s Approach by Scot McKay, but if you’re looking for something more updated over the last few years, this one would be better to pick up: Invincible.)


          “Simply put, with regards to natural attraction or being a naturally attractive man…

          BE the best counterpart to her feminine side with your unique masculinity and bring it out of her as much as you’d like through how you communicate your masculine self.

          Yes, it’s the absolute truth and I, you, WE, as men NEED to find a way to embrace this belief and USE it to our advantage because without it, as you may already know, it can become quite difficult.


          You’re actually BORN by design, to be A perfect man for HER. The her of course not being rigid and stiff to just one woman. The CHOICE is really yours on that matter.

          Carlos gives great lists which you can find here:

          What The Alpha Male Is And Why It Helps You Attract Women

          I break down the list here:

          How You Can Develop Your Personality & Be A Real Mysterious Alpha Male

          And in the previous chapter I line it all up with how to be a sexy guy which adds to your attractiveness to women in ways most men miss because they believe it’s all about how you look, when it’s not.

          26 Traits Women Find Sexy – How To Become A Sexual Guy Despite Your Looks

          (Sorry, preview pages only)

          Hope that clears up some of your confusion and gets you headed in the right direction.

          All the best.

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